6forty project’s goal is to be a comprehensive on-line resource for independent music, spreading the word to as many ears as possible. As long as listeners are streaming and buying the releases that they read about on the site or on the social media feeds, or hear on a 6forty mix-tape or on the radio stream, my efforts have been a success. So when it comes to selecting favorites from 2017, I’ll leave that decision up to you. Listed below are 50 brilliant records that have been on heaviest rotation at 6forty HQ throughout 2017 (release date order). Follow the links (click on each band name), press play, and most importantly, spread the word about the music that you love, and encourage others to do the same. Even if you can’t afford to pay for releases, a simple social media post can be an invaluable benefit to the bands. Thank you!
At the end of this post is a compiled list of the 2017 weekly releases along with links to all 6forty project social media feeds and radio stream. The weekly releases document includes live links for your convenience – countless hours of music to explore and enjoy. Feel free to download and share the PDF.
<<6forty project’s 2017 heavy rotation>>
Flyingdeadman ’56 seasons’ (released January 5, 2017)
Dayluta Means Kindness ‘When You’re Young You’re Invincible’ (released January 6, 2017)
North End ‘Alpha State’ (released January 10, 2017)
Glories ‘There Is No Stillness’ (released January 20, 2017)
The Swan Thief ‘II’ (released January 20, 2017)
Heron ‘You Are Here Now’ (released January 21, 2017)
Palehorse/Palerider ‘Burial Songs’ (released February 3, 2017)
My Education ‘Schiphol’ (released March 3, 2017)
Sparhawks ‘The Quiet Hour’ (released March 17, 2017)
Bledi Boraku ‘Tha’ (released March 20, 2017)
Appalaches ‘Cycles’ (released March 25, 2017)
Northway ‘Small things, true love’ (released April 1, 2017)
hubris. ‘Apocryphal Gravity’ (released April 3, 2017)
Soup ‘Remedies’ (released April 7, 2017)
Glaswegians ‘Severance’ (released April 7, 2017)
Astralia ‘Solstice’ (released April 22, 2017)
From Oceans to Autumn ‘Ether/Return To Earth’ (released May 5, 2017)
Do Make Say Think ‘Stubborn Persistent Illusions’ (released May 19, 2017)
The Chapel of Exquises Ardents Pears ‘TorqueMadra’ (released May 20, 2017)
Sound Architects ‘In Time of Need’ (released June 3, 2017)
Blankenberge ‘Radiogaze’ (released June 30, 2017)
We Came From The North ‘Faded Giant’ (released July 1, 2017)
I/O ‘Anyone, Anywhere’ (released July 7, 2017)
Glacier ‘Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet, They Shall Be White As Snow; Though They Be Red Like Crimson, They Shall Be As Wool.’ (released July 7, 2017)
a stick and a stone ‘The Long Lost Art of Getting Lost’ (released July 21, 2017)
Ruin!Ruins! ‘Mammock’ (released August 10, 2017)
Sannhet ‘So Numb’ (released August 25, 2017)
Astrïd & Rachel Grimes ‘Through the Sparkle’ (released September 1, 2017)
Mogwai ‘Every Country’s Sun’ (released September 1, 2017)
Driftless ‘Still’ (released September 3, 2017)
We Stood Like Kings ‘USA 1982’ (released September 22, 2017)
Memory Drawings ‘The Nearest Exit’ (released September 22, 2017)
Godspeed You! Black Emperor ‘Luciferian Towers’ (released September 22, 2017)
Ranges ‘The Ascensionist’ (released September 22, 2017)
This Patch of Sky ‘These Small Spaces’ (released September 22, 2017)
Upcdownc ‘I, Awake’ (released September 22, 2017)
Outlander ‘Downtime b/w Plans’ (released September 27, 2017)
glaston ‘Inhale/Exhale’ (released October 6, 2017)
King Capisce ‘Memento Mori’ (released October 6, 2017)
Esmerine ‘Mechanics Of Dominion’ (released October 20, 2017)
Amenra ‘Mass VI’ (released October 20, 2017)
Echotide ‘Into The Half Light’ (released October 29, 2017)
Aidan Baker/Simon Goff/Thor Harris ‘Noplace’ (released November 10, 2017)
Merkabah ‘Million Miles’ (released November 10, 2017)
Silent Whale Becomes A° Dream ‘Requiem’ (released November 18, 2017)
Seas of Years ‘Three Horizons Away’ (released November 20, 2017)
Drawing Hills ‘Bunch of Bushes’ (released November 24, 2017)
Teller ‘Strive Recess Echo’ (released November 24, 2017)
Visionary Hours ‘Beyond the White’ (released December 11, 2017)
Pillars ‘Of Salt and Sea’ (released December 15, 2017)
<<6forty project links>>
twitter :: facebook :: web :: mike@6forty.com :: youtube :: instagram :: radio
new releases & discoveries 2017 (click for PDF)